Thursday, September 24, 2009


It's time to play catch up. For the first time since before May, we will be at home for 2 weeks in a row. We won't be going home to Columbia, we won't be going out of town to visit any friends, and we don't have much in the way of plans for the next two weekends. I am unusually excited about that. I typically hate to not have plans or something to look forward to. However, I am incredibly anxious to catch up on things that have been put aside for the last few months.

We will of course watch Mizzou play this Friday night. And then this weekend Justin's friend Bill is coming to visit, but that doesn't involve much of anything planned out. The following weekend we might hit up The American Royal (big BBQ thing in KC). Other than that...CATCH UP!

And because I know you are DYING to know what kind of things I need to catch up on - here is my list...

-cleaning the house

-doing laundry - although we have done an all right job at keeping up with this over the weeks.

-catching up the blog with some picture posts

-cleaning out my car

-finally unpacking the suitcases that we have basically lived out of for the last few months.

-get back into the gym routine (this is A MUST!!)

-watching college football. I have missed a lot since I have been to the Mizzou games.

-balance the checkbook (ick)

-update the iphone/iphone

-grocery shop

That's all I can think of at the moment, but I think all of that will keep me quite busy this weekend.

1 comment:

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I miss BBQ SO MUCH!!! The BBQ around here isn't very good. :(

I only had one weekend off a month for the last year and loved the ones where we had NO plans.